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Tar & Chip

tar and chip

What is Tar & Chip? We get asked a lot what is Tar & Chip...

Tar & Chip or Chip Seal is the "Original Asphalt Pavement." It's a technology developed over 100 years ago and is still being used today as a durable and less expensive pavement option.

The process consists of a layer of hot liquid asphalt (tar) applied over a compacted stone base, then a layer of small stones (chips) are spread evenly over the hot tar, and compacted by a roller.

Virtually all roads before the 1950s were Tar & Chip. Today many counties still employ Tar & Chip for secondary and rural roads and many home owners choose Tar & Chip as a solution for large driveways that may be too expensive to pave with Hot Mix Asphalt (blacktop).

What does it look like? When a Tar & Chip job is complete, it looks like a gravel driveway. The gravel that comes in contact with the tar is locked in tight and forms a pavement that has a clean but natural look. Many home owners prefer colored stone to give their driveway a unique look. Any color stone can be used. How much does it cost? In most cases Tar & Chip is 30-50% less than what it would cost for blacktop and 75-80% less than exposed aggregate concrete. Tar & Chip is MAINTENANCE FREE! and has a 8-10 year life expectancy. Blacktop has a 15-20 year life expectancy, but requires maintenance every 3 years.

Please contact us with any and all of your questions or for a Free Quote today. Serving Nashville and surrounding areas.

tar and chip
tar & chip driveways
tar & chip nashville